
Flights to La Rochelle

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Looking for cheap flights to La Rochelle? You’re in the right place. The flight-comparison and planning super powers of TravelSupermarket can get you there for less.

Take a leisurely bike ride amid some of the prettiest scenery in France when you step off La Rochelle flights...

La Rochelle – Ile de Ré Airport (LRH) is located on the west coast of France, where the Atlantic Ocean meets golden sands and handsome harbour cities. And La Rochelle is one such city.

With a picturesque marina and a striking cathedral, it’s hard to resist. But so is Ile de Ré, the gorgeous island destination just across the bridge from La Rochelle. It doesn’t scream at you to come over, it quietly beckons with the curl of a manicured finger, tempting you with long, sun-kissed lunches and afternoons snoozing on the sand. And the best way to get between café and coast? Bikes, of course. This island is criss-crossed by quiet cycle paths and dotted by sand dunes, forests, and historic villages. You might never want to hit the mainland again! If you do, hire a car and head for Cognac or Bordeaux, which are both within two hours of La Rochelle.

Low-cost flights to La Rochelle from London are easy to find, while you can also book cheap flights to La Rochelle from a number of UK airports. TravelSupermarket shows you low fares from the best airlines serving La Rochelle, meaning you don’t need to look anywhere else.

Good to know

Flight time

1 hr 35 mins

(from London)


Euro (€)

