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Planning a last minute trip? If you're looking for last minute flight deals then our flights comparison tool is the fastest way to find out what's on offer. We compare flights from a huge range of low cost, charter and traditional airlines from all UK airports to destinations across Europe and the rest of the world.

Can you really pick up a last minute flight at a bargain price, or is it a myth?

We're all after a bargain when booking a flight for a beach holiday, city break or long haul adventure.

Yet knowing when to book is a bit of a gamble, and leaving it until the last minute is generally not the best way to secure a cheap getaway.

Scheduled airlines and low cost carriers tend to be more expensive at the last minute, as their flights fill up and prices rise.

Charter carriers, on the other hand, tend to reduce their prices closer to the departure date as they work on a model of 100% seat occupancy and so will slash prices if the flights aren't full.

The worst times to look for last minute flights are during the school holiday periods and on big departure days such as Friday, Saturday and Sunday, when most people travel. You'll have a better chance of finding a deal for midweek departures - on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays - outside the school holidays and main summer holiday season.

You'll find some of the best fares for travel in November and December up until the Christmas period and January through to Easter.