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You might be surprised at how affordable flights to India can be. Sure, it's a long-haul destination, but this vast and complex country is one of the most visited from the UK, so there’s a high demand for services to most major cities, and plenty of competition on seat prices.
The vast majority of scheduled flights go to New Delhi or Mumbai, but it's increasingly common to see flights to other destinations, including Dabolim, the gateway to the beaches of Goa, and tech capital Hyderabad (a biggie for business travellers).
The most choice and the cheapest deals are found on the more competitive year-round routes: New Delhi and Mumbai. You can find some good deals even on direct flights with flag carriers like British Airways.
April to September is cheapest time to go, as most tourists avoid the summer heat and the monsoon season that follows it. If you're headed to Goa, peak holiday times between October and March can actually be cheaper, as competition increases and UK airlines start up their seasonal services.
9 hrs 40 mins
(from London)